ISS: Issues
1.2. ISS-0007: Autoregistration should be disabled by default
In Administration, settings, authentication:
status | New |
1.5. ISS-0002: csInfo and csRefDoc should be active by default
When creating a new project, Bug, Feature and Support are active, but csInfo and csRefDoc do not, and should.
status | New |
1.7. ISS-0001: YAML default value is empty
Should be something like:
visible: true
selectable: false
label: Chapters
visible: true
label: Ext. code
visible: true
label: Status
visible: true
label: Assigned to
status | New |
1.10. ISS-0023: Manager should have all the permissions, as rqManager has
For instance, the Manager can not see the MainReport!
status | New |
2.1. ISS-0004: Requirement -> Item
The word issue or the word requirement are too much focused.
The translation should be Item, which is more general.
Other option is element, which is more far from tasks, but closer to modelling.
status | New |
2.2. ISS-0014: Requirements word in title
The word "requirements" shall not be appended to the title anymore.
When we export a Test plan, we are seeing the word requirements.
status | New |
2.3. ISS-0015: Developer should see the MainReport tab
The Developer role does not see the MainReport tab, but s/he can view the MainReport navigating through the cosmoSys tab.
status | New |
2.4. ISS-0003: Tasks with no children are shown like chapters
They have to be shown as tasks, this is a regression.
status | New |
2.5. ISS-0005: An arrow in the subject causes the diagrams to have nodes with empty titles.
status | New |
2.6. ISS-0013: csInfo and csRefDoc custom field permissions should be set
Currently, the csInfo and csRefDoc custom fields have no workflow. You can set csID, for instance. This has to be solved in the migration, same it was solved when creating the rq items.
status | New |
2.7. ISS-0016: Project type
The user should be able to declare a project to belong to a "type" or "document type". These are some samples:
Issue tracking.
Test plan.
Test run.
PORIS model.
With this setting, it would be easy to achieve accurated document titles, see #14 for reference.
We will be able to select the appropiate default template for exporting, taking it from cosmoSys, cosmoSys-Req, or cosmoSys-Req-PORIS assets.
status | New |
2.8. ISS-0019: Can not force authentication, collides with Tree
The treeview using key is not working because the check_if_login_required
function refuses the access based in keys, and then the user is anonymous.
This has to be fixed in order to allow setting the instance as "login required"
status | Feedback |
assigned | Iván Hernández Cazorla |
2.9. ISS-0018: Managers should view MainReport
Changing it to rqMnaager solves it in Check if this is systemathic and if the Developer has the same problem.
MainReport is a cosmoSys feature, not a cosmoSys-Req one.
status | New |
2.10. ISS-0020: cosmoSys report format settings not correctly set at the beginning
The settings are not set at the beginning, so the format is A4 Landscape while the Settings form shows A4 Portrait.
A migration should be executed.
status | New |
2.11. ISS-0021: EasyWBS not seen from a user which is nt
We should check the permssion system to know why a freshly installed Easy X plugin set is not correctly seen by users which are not admin.
status | New |
3. ISS-0024: cSysReq copy project as synch copy
We have a concept for an item (requirement) being a clone of another one, so one is the master (writable) and the other is the slave (read only), so we can have an internal requirements document and create other documents for suppliers, with the same requirements, so they can read the requirements without having access to the internal document.
We shall extend this feature to projects. We need a script to generate a clone of a project where all its items are read only clones from the original project's items.
We shall also develop a script to be executed regularly which will delete clone requirements if the master ones are deleted.
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
4. ISS-0025: Selective clone
See #45 for an introduction.
In some cases the same master document shall be cloned for several institutions. The cloned requirements have some fields which shall not be keep in sync with the master ones, because each of the clones may change their values independenly. For instance, the compliance fields shall not be copied in the clone, as every institution will report their specific progress, which is an information inherent to the institution, not to be feedbacked to the master project, and not to be overwritten everytime the master item changes.
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
5. ISS-0026: MainReport active but not shown if cosmosys_req plugi is not active
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
6. ISS-0027: Dependence and hierarchy not active if cosmosys_req is not present
status | New |
7. ISS-0028: Tree view should not show subprojects
Treeview is allowing unauthorized people to see the issues of subprojects they could not be allowed to see
It is always imposing the numbering to subprojects when committing.
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
8. ISS-0029: Images not being included in the repo
In big projects with lots of images like the images are not loading in the first time the report is shown (later they all load) but, even with all of them loaded, the docx report does not include all them.
Error is 503 (Service unavailable)
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
9. ISS-0030: Inport crashes isi class is blank
Should give some message, not crash.
status | New |
assigned | Txinto Vaz |
10. ISS-0031: csNone not selectable if the class is changed to csInfo
If you have, for instance, a 'rq' which is in 'rqDraft' and change the class to csInfo, it will continue in rqDraft. There will be no option to change it to 'csNone'.
In order to fix this, an admin shall modify the Workflow to allow all the existing states to transition to csNone (maybe there is a better way to fix it).
We shall prevent this to happen by incorporating the fixing changes in the cosmoSys migrations.
status | New |
11. ISS-0032: In csInfo and csRefDoc user can edit the csID and the csChapter
Field permissions are opened so when a csInfo is in csNone state, user can change the csID.
If a new issue is created, the csID will be void.
This is fixed by setting the permission to read only.
We should fix this so no action is needed.
status | New |